October Update

The month of October was full of blessings, but also adversities, where God continued to show us that only his mercy and love keeps the ROHI project standing. That is why every Monday at the beginning of the week we have a special time in which we praise God and meditate on his word, having a devotional where we thank and ask our creator for his coverage of each child, young person and family of ROHI.

The teachers, in order to give comprehensive attention to the students of the project, take time to educate, train, direct, but also to remind each young person and child about their rights to enjoy playing and forget for a moment the duty of working in the garbage dump to help his family. And that he is a special person and that his dreams can be fulfilled by the hand of God.

We thank God for the opportunity He gives to the entire children’s population of the Tegucigalpa municipal garbage dump to come to the project every day to receive their classes and continue learning what corresponds to their academic degrees. We believe that they will be agents of change when they grow up and will raise their families in a dignified and safe way.

God is Good and each donor is also a blessing so that each member of the ROHI project has food on time every day. Seeing the smile of each child and young person when receiving food from him gives us great joy.

All ROHI students with great emotion and gratitude made Christmas cards for their sponsors.

The students who will be graduating this year 2023 are very excited to be within a short time of achieving their student achievement. We have taken their photographs in their toga and they look super handsome. We ask for your prayers for each one so that they reach the final goal.






A beautiful group of men and women with a huge heart traveled from the US to share with everyone in the ROHI project after many years. It was a time of great blessing. First, we worshiped God, we shared time of communion and love with each other, from the smallest to the oldest, we visited the municipal garbage dump and this group also blessed a humble project family of 7 members with a beautiful well integrated house. Now one more family from the municipal garbage dump has a new dignified and honorable home thanks to these great people. We thank Pastor JJ, Shelley and each of those who spent this time with us in the ROHI project, we love you and send our prayers to you, family and church.

Caring for the hearts of the young people of the project is a priority for all the project staff and our Pastor Arturo helps us along with the team of teachers to give talks on important topics for the young people. This has improved the communication of our young people as they feel cared for and cared for.

The season for the final midterm exams has arrived. PRAISE GOD, we are about to end our school year, all the kids did their final evaluations to pass their school year.

To end the month of October we celebrate the birthdays of the month. We prayed for our birthday boys and ate cake.

Every month we deliver family supplies to those most in need in the project that month.


  • for a week of many blessings πŸ™
  • for the school for parents and delivery of final grades may God give grace and favor so that everything goes well πŸ™
  • for blessing and provision for the families of the project πŸ™
  • For Dario’s health, both emotional and physical, may God take control πŸ™ and bring speedy recovery and peace in his heart in this difficult situation of his broken leg due to an accident within the project πŸ™
  • For the youth camp, may God touch the hearts of each young person who will attend, may they have a personal encounter with him πŸ™
  • for the lives of the donors and their families, may God bless them and keep them always πŸ™
  • for the spiritual strength of the staff πŸ™
  • For the holidays, may God take control and guide us and everything turn out to be a great victory πŸ™
  • by the authorities of the ROHI project, both foreign and national, may God protect them and renew their strength every day πŸ™
  • for protection for all who are part of the project may God rebuke all demonic attacks in the name of Jesus πŸ™


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