September Update

Both international and national support is crucial for ROHI Project.

We are so thankful for many local Honduran organizations that provide support to ROHI Project in a variety of ways. In September, the program kids were blessed by nine local churches and institutions that visited in honor of the Day of the Child, which is heavily celebrated in Honduras. In addition to bringing food and inspiring joy, one group also shared educational hygiene talks with the students, first aid with the teachers and held a medical brigade. The children also enjoyed donuts, games, cake, piñatas and toys. It gave the students a chance to simply be kids and not have to worry about helping to provide for their families or helping to raise their siblings.

September also brought the celebration of Honduran Independence Day. In addition to educating, feeding and teaching the program students about God’s love for them, the ROHI staff also try to instill patriotism in them. In their celebration, the staff encouraged the students to be proud of their heritage, despite the many challenges they face due to the issues in their county.

Other highlights this month:

  • Through the weekly devotionals, the ROHI staff has seen changes in the lives of the students, from the smallest to the oldest, who pray and want to follow the path of good as they seek God. They have a lot of peace despite the difficulties that arise each day.
  • ROHI junior high and high school students took a field trip to two museums to enhance their academic education in social studies, civics, Honduran history and art. Any chance to get out of the community they live in is a treat and a chance to expand their horizons.
  • The end of the third term brought report cards and the celebration of 27 students for their academic excellence.
  • Thanks to a local organization, the boys got to enjoy a morning learning about and playing soccer while the girls learned karate.
  • Thanks to a local dental company, the ROHI kids received toothbrushes and toothpaste and a few kids who needed extractions were invited to visit the dentist’s office, where they took care of their dental needs.

Human highlight

Julissa, one of the university students, is reaching her final academic goal in her nursing career. She has started her professional practice, which is the last step before her graduation. Please keep Julissa in your prayers.

From the ROHI staff:

We are so blessed by each person, both nationally and internationally, who donates something—a little or a lot—so that the families in the municipal garbage dump can get ahead. Some people have the ability to collaborate monthly with their donations—in kind or in cash, while others are only able to help for special occasions, but how nice that together we can be agents of change for this community that is abandoned.


Prayer request from the ROHI staff for:

  • God to be the one leading and guiding in the program activities and plans
  • the children and youth to have a personal encounter with God each day
  • spiritual strength and physical stamina for the staff
  • provision for the ROHI families
  • health for the students and healing for those who are sick
  • the students to finish their school year wisely and apply themselves to their studies for their end-of-term exams
  • God to bless each donor and their family and finances
  • God to bless this year’s high school and technical school graduates and fill them with wisdom to keep studying and open doors to future jobs
  • those involved in the foreign and Honduran oversight of ROHI—may God renew their strength and bless them
  • God to take control of this month and may all the requests we put in his hands be answered in his time and according to his will
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