April Activities

We want to tell you with great excitement that we now have our new facilities. We are enjoying every corner of the new place that is a home for each child, to receive daily food and their educational classes. Now our children feel safer and more secure. We thank God and every person who has made it possible for the ROHI PROJECT to have a place of our own.

This month our 10th grade student, Yordi and 9th grade student, Yerlin had the opportunity to receive their diplomas as BARBERS. They are ready to continue studying and also preparing for a career in haircuts for men. The young men are very happy and feel ready to start earning money and helping their families in daily sustenance.

Our students receive their food every weekday and also every week the project collaborates with food supplies for families in need. Glory to God for the integral help that the project delivers to so many families of the municipal garbage dump.

Also, in addition to having a new home, we are enjoying desks for each student. We praise God for our 90 desks. Glory to God because each student receives his classes in a pedagogical and stable way every day.

We start each Monday with our devotional to give our gratitude to our loving God. Also, all of the younger kids are receiving the Discipleship of the Great Adventure, which allows them to know more about the Bible.

10th and 11th graders are enjoying the great usefulness of new computers to perform their homework and studies on a daily basis. They are very happy because they have tools to deliver their work with more quality.

In the ROHI Project we try to provide all our students with a pedagogical environment so we are trying to encourage civic events that are celebrated in the country and that each school in Honduras takes into account to promote values.

We have ready the class photographs for the 2023 school year. Praise be to God.

Our 8-month-old Brigitte was hospitalized at the Teaching Hospital a week after Easter. She was admitted for Chronic Pneumonia due to pollution and changing weather in the country.

These last weeks of April began with the construction of the new house for one of our families (students: Genesis of 3rd, Josetph of 2nd and Ashley of kindergarten) The children are super excited to know that now they will have a house where they will not fear the rain and where rodents will not be able to enter to disturb their sleep. The ROHI Project is ready to receive a team in the first weeks of May to finish with the house. A dream come true for this humble family.

This month we had the opportunity to receive a group of barber school students who came to do their internship at ROHI Project. It was a good time where about 50 students got their hair cut.

This week we delivered Ist Quarter grades to parents. We also had students reach academic excellence (honor roll). It’s always good to see parents who come and are proud of their children and the grades they received.

* Prayer for all our students under the age of 5 who have been severely exposed to a respiratory and stomach virus. God heal their bodies.
* For every mother who works in the municipal garbage dump every day, may God provide much strength and health to their lives to carry out that hard work under the sun and rain, in that difficult and polluted place.
* For our 10th grade student Yordy who suffered an accident in the construction of a house and had discomfort in his lumbar spine. He was admitted to the public hospital but thank God he is already resting at home. We ask God for a speedy recovery and well-being in his spine.
* For a kindergarten student, Mateo who was in the care of his grandmother and suffered a burn on his neck which took him to the ER. We thank God that the burns are not serious, but it scared his family a lot. He was helping his grandmother burn garbage while the rest of the family was working in the garbage dump and he wanted to grab a bottle that was lit and when he tried to throw it to the ground, he burned his neck.
* For the young people who belong to the project, may God speak to their lives and fill them with his peace and fill every need and emptiness they have so that they won’t try seeking to fill them elsewhere.
* For the staff, may God protect their lives and continue to provide kind hearts to show His love, and to help and serve the garbage dump population with the same passion.
* For the construction of the Berrios family house and the new school shed for the project. May God provide affordable prices for construction.
* For every donor who has a kind heart donating and sponsoring each student of the project.
* For our authorities, God bless your lives and fill you with his presence to continue directing and supporting this beautiful project.
* For Shelley’s health, God bless her life every day and grant her health and strength to continue being a blessing as well as for the project and the population of the garbage dump in Honduras.


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