June Facebook updates

Here is a shortened version of our Facebook updates. Go to our Facebook page for more photos: www.facebook.com/rohiproject.org

June 23, 2023: Apart from formal education, that each child and youth get to receive the Rohi Project. Our greatest goal and goal is to teach them every day more of Christ in their lives, to bring them every day a message of life and love. How to also remind them that they are still children even though every day many of them work in the municipal dumpster after school or have many responsibilities at a young age.

The Rohi Project has reached the families of the Tegucigalpa municipal garbage dump to change their lives and we thank every donor and people who support this life-changing work.

June 21, 2023: Endless thanks for the Help. A big hug from all the ROHI project children. From Trash Mountain:

Thank you to the MOST PURE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL for collecting school supplies for project ROHI in Honduras. The response was incredible and they were able to collect and donate supplies to help 174 Honduran children for the coming school year. 🎒🙌🏻

Learn more about Project ROHI at trashmountain.com/honduras

June 19, 2023:

God is good all the time and on this occasion he allowed the students of the Rohi Project to meet and have a beautiful experience at the Air Museum of Honduras Air Force.

It was an amazing day, everyone had a super good time, thanks to Conectando Generaciones ONGD and a group of Air Force Sub-officials, for the invitation and helping our little ones know the history of planes very important in Honduras as well as giving them a very fun day with games, music, sweets and moral talk

Check out the amazing day lived today.

And continue to pray please for each of these kids featured in each photo, God fulfills His purpose in them, and a Generation of change is raised 🙏

June 9, 2023:

This week our students conducted Part II exams.. We’re halfway through the year and their assessments and teaching don’t stop, every day children and young people come to Rohi Project to continue learning to be agents of change in their community.

We continue to believe that each of these little ones you see in photos will have a great future, thanks to your prayers, donations and support.

Pray for all the children and young people who come from Tegucigalpa municipal dump and help them to make their lives successful.

June 5, 2023:

Today we celebrated Environment Day to encourage recycling ♻️ at Rohi Project. Students from each grade did their best to recreate beautiful crafts with material that most people at home throw away in the trash. In addition, we had a locker room catwalk with recycled material and we instilled our students to care for the environment by foresting the project facilities.

It was a very commemorative act for our population that works in the municipal dump. Proving that trash can also be turned into usefulness.

We thank God and every donor for the opportunity that gives Rohi Project to change the lives of children and young people in the municipal dump of Tegucigalpa.

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