
The Honduran program has a new name!

After much prayer and deliberation, the team of teachers has selected a name for the program—Proyecto ROHI (ROHI Project in English). Jehovah Rohi means the Lord Is My Shepherd. It is one of God’s many names in the Bible, and the team chose it as the program name because they want the students and the families of the Tegucigalpa municipal dump community to understand that it is God that protects, directs, guides and cares for us all. 

We visited the program in Honduras last week and got to hear more about their heart behind the work they do. In individual conversations with each of the teachers throughout the week, the thing that stood out the most was their desire to keep God at the forefront and their heart to serve that community. Many of the teachers have been working with families from that community and with those students for years, and some of them for as many as 14 years. 

Also new—they will soon have their own building in which to hold classes! A generous church provided funding to build a facility that they can deconstruct when the lease on the property ends if they decide not to purchase the property. Construction should be finished towards the end of this month! This is huge! It means they will not be holding classes in dust, dirt, or mud anymore. It means there will be walls to protect them from the elements. It also means the teachers will not have to set up and take down the “classroom” space each day, and the little ones will have adequate places to nap.

It has really been encouraging to see the parents and students help with the construction in an effort to keep the construction budget on track. They have leveled the ground, dug trenches for water runoff and a pit for the latrine as well mixed concrete and built a retaining wall with tires. 

It was also inspiring to see the ways, in addition to requesting volunteer labor, that the construction coordinator tried as hard as possible to stay on budget. For example, for the classroom windows that open into the main larger area of the building, instead of purchasing actual windows, which were pricey, they installed used glass Pepsi refrigerator doors that, after a discount from the person selling them because he wanted to support the program, cost approximately $2 per “window”.

Just to be clear, the majority of the 166 students enrolled are the same kids you have been supporting all along. These are the same teachers that have been teaching them. They are just finally starting their own organization, ROHI Project, and we are going to continue to support it. 

We are so proud of the work they are doing and the love of Christ that they are tangibly demonstrating to these children and families. We never could have continued supporting them on our own and are so thankful for each and every one of you that has continued to support their work. 

Some of you have expressed interest in knowing about the children you support. As you know, we’ve gone to a community sponsorship model in Honduras to match the rest of our TMP partner sites. The Honduran program is unique though, as many of you have developed relationships with students, and we’d like to help you continue them. If there is a child you would like an update on or would like to send a letter to, please email [email protected]
Click to watch Brett announcing the new name and location, while we were in Honduras.
ROHI Project also has a new website that will continue to grow with them. Visit

**NOTE: We are switching to monthly updates, so look for the next update to come out in April.**

PRAYER REQUESTS from Honduras for:each family that belongs to the ROHI Project—may God bless their lives and dwell in their heartsthe health of each little one—may God heal their ailments (respiratory tract, stomach issues and skin problems)each donor who is willing to contribute to the different needs of the project and carry out change in the life of each childspiritual strength for the staff—may God renew their strength and fill them with wisdom and energy to dedicate time and love to each studentGod to multiply the finances of the project—may there never be a lack of food, scholastic material, help for families and a response of love for those who need it
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