Highlights from May

We thank God for allowing us to complete another month, full of blessing, the month of May was full of many adventures, but above all, a lot of learning in classes for all students.” —ROHI Staff.

ROHI Highlights this month:
* Both staff and students celebrated Arbor Day by cleaning up the ROHI grounds, planting a variety of plants, and preparing trenches to divert water for the rainy season
* Students of all ages studied different professions and dressed up in representation of their desired career
* Mother’s Day Celebration—most of the ROHI households are run by hardworking mothers who work scavenging at the municipal dump. The celebration included a church service, games and lunch served on site, as well as provisions for each mother to take home.
* A team from the US spent a week serving at ROHI, working on a variety of projects, including building much-needed tables for the kids to eat at, and doing crafts and games with the students. The last day they took the students to a water park, which the students thoroughly enjoyed. (The tables have also been a popular place to hold class outside and enjoy a little breeze since it is the hottest time of the year and quite hot inside.)

Prayer Requests from ROHI Staff for:

  • June to be a month of much communion with the Lord
  • Much spiritual guidance in the devotional and Bible classes
  • God’s protection for the children, youth, families and staff
  • Healing for Jefferson (1st grade), who broke his arm at recess and required emergency surgery
  • Healing for those who are suffering from an illness or disease
  • Wisdom for the students as they prepare for their exams
  • Donors and their families to have work and good mental and physical health
  • Work for each family in the garbage dump, so that they can have the necessary sustenance during the week
  • God to guide and direct in all the June activities 
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