June newsletter for ROHI Project

ROHI students enjoyed the chance to step away from campus and spend time focused on their spiritual lives rather than their studies. A local Honduran church hosted camps for both the children and the youth, providing age-appropriate teachings, games and meals at an off-site location. The older students spent the night and had two days of camp, and the younger ones went for one full day. The ROHI staff creates space for the students to seek God each day, but they also plan a few days of camp into the school year because they know a change of pace and different setting can help the students experience God in a different way.

Another way the ROHI students have been learning about God’s love has been through a devotional created especially for recipients of the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. “The Greatest Journey” curriculum takes the children through knowing, growing in and sharing the gospel. ROHI Project was chosen to receive shoe boxes this year from Samaritan’s Purse, so in addition to receiving the boxes, the students have also been working through the discipleship program and just finished it.

In June at ROHI, they also celebrate Recycling Day, acknowledging that many families support themselves by recycling and recognizing that it is not an easy way to provide food for their families, but that they are very hardworking people and do not let themselves be defeated. The handiwork of some of the mothers was on display that day as students came dressed in outfits made of recycled items. Some of the mothers are incredibly talented and sew intricate apparel from things like snack-sized chip bags, soda bottle wrappers, coffee bags and newspaper.

Additional ROHI Highlights this month:
* Term III ended with exams and parent-teacher meetings
* Day of the Student—ROHI staff and students celebrated with cake and piñatas
* 2024 ROHI BAZAAR—families were able to “shop” for adult and children’s clothing, formula, toys, shoes, etc. that fulfill needs in their families thanks to a generous woman who monthly sends a large donation of used items to ROHI 

Prayer Requests from ROHI Staff for:
* a month (JULY) full of God’s mercy and favor for each family and that his protection reaches each child, young person and adult
* strength and wisdom for each teacher, so that we continue to do our work with pleasure and enthusiasm, as we are leading children and young people to be agents of transformation in their communities
* the minds and hearts of young people to be shielded from evil—that they can always remember what the Word says and fear God
* each donor and their families, for national and foreign authorities, that God’s blessing be upon their lives and families, and bless them with health and much wisdom
* God to guide every decision and give discernment in decision making
* strength, health and blessing for the women who cook daily for everyone at ROHI
ROHI Project aims to provide comprehensive care to the children, youth, and their families who live and work in the Tegucigalpa, Honduras, municipal dump. The project name ROHI is inspired from one of the Hebrew names for God, Jehovah Rohi meaning “the Lord is my shepherd” as seen in Psalm 23.
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