June activities

Both students and teachers have settled into their new building and have gotten into a good rhythm in their new home. 

Speaking of homes, a few families in the program live in homes that do not adequately shelter them during the rainy season, which starts in early May and runs through October. Upon learning of the need, a church in Missouri quickly put together a team to build a home for one of those families, whose oldest daughter has an autoimmune condition. They finished the house on May 11, the same day the rains started! Besy, the mom, helped from start to finish on the house and was an incredibly strong worker both in her work ethic as well as in her physical strength. Although not even five feet tall, she not only carried two 50-pound bags of cement—at a time—up a steep slope to her house, but also two 12-foot planks at once on numerous occasions. Her three children also won the hearts of the team as they spent afternoons at the site after class each day.

The team also provided funds for and started construction on a little building that houses the kitchen on one side and a storage and office space on the other. That freed up two classrooms inside the main building, allowing second and fifth grades to have individual classrooms, which also gives more space for the remaining grades that do hold classes in the open area. 

You support goes towards more than just feeding and educating the students. The ROHI Project also provides medical assistance to students when needed and has been indispensable in helping a number of sick or injured children this month. Families do not have savings and live payday to payday, so when a crisis arises, they do not have money to pay for the medicine for their hospitalized baby or to buy a burn cream for the toddler with multiple burns from a motorcycle exhaust pipe. Thanks to your support, a hospitalized baby received the food and medicine she needed, and the toddler has salve for her wounds.

Other highlights this month:

  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • 18 students achieved the academic excellence award (see photo below)
  • Haircuts for the boys, courtesy of a local barber school
  • Donation of hand-crafted hammocks for the babies/toddlers to nap in

ROHI Staff Spotlight:
This month we want to introduce you to Dallam, the woman whose heart for these children and families drives her daily to serve them selflessly. She is also the one who makes ROHI Project possible. In addition to overseeing the day-to-day operations of the program, she also teaches some classes and is in daily communication with us at TMP. She undertakes countless things that need taken care of for the program to run smoothly both during the workday and on her own time. She pours herself into the ministry and loves the students, which she has served for 14 years, as if they were her own. Please pray for wisdom, strength and encouragement for her as she leads.

Photo: Dallam organized the purchase of Christmas gifts for all the children and is seen here wrapping one of the presents.

Prayer requests from the ROHI staff:

  • for the health of each child and their families, may God pour out healing on each one
  • for God to take control of each plan at ROHI Project and help them be carried out in the best way
  • for wisdom and understanding for the students as they take their exams this week  
  • for each donor, may God bless them greatly and keep them healthy and prosperous in all they do
  • for daily strength for each member of the ROHI staff, that we can be an example for our children and that they see Jesus through us 
  • for provision from God for each of the families  
  • for all viruses in the environment that are attacking the respiratory tract and the stomach of our children, may God be a healer and remove said virus
  • for multiplication of finances in the ROHI Project—may God increase program income and multiply what we have
  • for our TMP oversight staff—may God bless and grant health to their lives

“We also give thanks to our beloved heavenly father for everything he has provided us and to see 174 students studying and their families working peacefully while their children are being cared for and educated by ROHI.” —ROHI staff

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