March 3rd Newsletter

Exciting things are happening in the program in Honduras, but we have to wait a bit longer before we can share details. This will be the last week of weekly program update emails. At the end of next week or early the following week, we will start sending monthly Honduras program updates. The March update will be filled with really big news about the program. Be on the lookout for that update!

2-week update from Honduras:

The first important thing on our calendar each week is starting off with a devotional together with all the students and teachers. During that time, we instruct the students, pray and praise God together. We make that time a priority. Teaching daily weekday classes and providing meals are, of course, also a key part of our program, and we are so thankful to all the donors that make all this possible. We are also blessed to be able to share provisions with families in great need and who are experiencing difficulties due to illness, loss of a loved one, being left without a home, not being able to enter the garbage dump to work due to punishment by the gang, etc.

Recent highlights:We celebrated the day of love and friendship on February 14 with cake and piñatas. All our students had the opportunity to make cards for their friends and siblings within the project.We had visits from two local private Christian schools, who brought a sandwich and juice snack for each student. They also provided food to take to those working on the dump, so we got to visit the dump with them and deliver the food.Members from a local church also visited and donated much-needed backpacks and snacks.

We praise God that:Jorge is making good progress in his physical therapy sessions with the continued treatment for his leg injury. Julissa has entered her nursing practice at the teaching hospital here in Tegucigalpa. May God give her a lot of wisdom and may each patient she touches be touched by God’s healing hand.Prayer requests—please pray for:the spiritual, emotional and physical health of the project staffeach student who belongs to the project—may God remove all resentment from their lives, renew his love every day and provide health and protection for those experiencing situations of violence at homeeach father and mother of a family that belongs to the project—may God provide health and finances for themeach donor that contributes—may God bless your lives, grant health and prosper everything your hands touchall the needs that the project has on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. May our heavenly father open doors and provide to supply and deliver better service.our TMP authorities—may God grant them health and resources to continue helping the project. We thank God for all the accompaniment, guidance and donations.God’s truth to prevail and that the lies will be thwarted of those looking to make money off of the families of the garbage dump. Pray the families do not continue to believe and fall for their lies.

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