One month of classes already completed!

We thank God for the opportunity to start each week by taking the time to glorify the name of our creator with all our students during the devotional.

God’s faithfulness is great every day, and we see proof of this in the daily provision of food (breakfast and lunch) for our students, staff and the mothers who come to the project.

Classes are taught daily in a responsible manner for all our students, each teacher is dedicated and strives for excellence in teaching so that each child learns, and we are successful at the end of each term.

Two students, Yerlin and Yordi, are about to finish their barbershop course and have already started giving haircuts at the program.

Prayer requests—please pray for:

  • health for all the little ones in the program as most have been affected by stomach and respiratory problems—may God grant healing to their bodies
  • Genesis, that God would provide defenses for her autoimmune system to fight her disease
  • economic and food provision for all the families that belong to the program
  • each parent who works in the municipal dump—may God renew their strength and keep them from any accident
  • each child and young person in the program, that they would be obedient and have a personal encounter with God to heal their inner life from all the bad things that have happened to them before and to transform them
  • spiritual strength for the staff—may the fruit of the Holy Spirit be reflected in each teacher. God fill us with wisdom to act against any snare of the enemy and stand firm.
  • all the donors who have decided to help and continue with this beautiful mission-vision of the project—may God fill them with his presence and multiply their finances
  • the grace of God to before each person who intercedes and seeks support/donations for the children and families that belong to the project
  • each young technical/university student—may God fill them with wisdom and understanding
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