ROHI Project is one year old! – August Update

From the ROHI staff:

This month we celebrated our ANNIVERSARY. We are grateful to God for his faithfulness and blessings up to this point. We depend every day on our creator in each of the adversities that we go through daily as a project and that we walk through with each family. For the Glory of God, we delivered provisions of food to the 95 ROHI families, and everyone enjoyed a delicious family lunch and dessert. Our prayer is that every day God helps us at all times so that we continue delivering the word of life to the families in such need at the municipal garbage dump in Tegucigalpa.

We thank God for allowing us to serve, educate and feed the youth and children of the garbage dump on a daily basis. Our students attend their classes daily and feel very motivated despite the limitations in the physical space within the project. The best of all is that we not only teach Spanish, mathematics, natural sciences and social studies classes but we also instill values and the fear of God in each class.

God has been good during all these months, and we believe that He will continue to be. He has used the life of each donor to be able to sustain the needs of the project on a daily basis and educate 175 students from kindergarten to technical school and university, in addition to feeding them daily with healthy food and on time.

ROHI’s one-year anniversary celebration with a church service and meal as mentioned above was not the only big event for the staff and students this month. In conjunction with a few other local ministries that also serve at-risk youth, the ROHI staff and 30 of the older students participated in a 50-kilometer walk to raise awareness, raise funds and build camaraderie among the ministries. They reported that it was a very arduous day that started before 5 am, but that despite the long day and strong sun, they reached their goal and made it to the finish line.  

Other activities this month at ROHI:

  • Students took their third term exams and demonstrated that they continue to advance in their studies. 
  • Staff gave hammocks that were built and donated to ROHI to families who have small babies or are expecting babies, providing a safe place for the moms to put their little ones and keep them off the floor.
  • ROHI had their first supervisory visit by the district secretary of education and received good marks.
  • A team from a California church visited for a day, spending time with the students and also taking food up to those working on the dump, where they got caught in a downpour. Both the visiting team and the ROHI staff that went with them got a glimpse of the difficult situation that the scavengers in the dump experience as they work daily, rain or shine.
  • ROHI formed an alliance with a Honduran university to provide better comprehensive care to ROHI students. Participants from the university will provide psychological diagnoses and reading-writing tests, among others, in addition to providing them with an action plan to improve their learning and school performance.

PRAYER REQUESTS from the ROHI staff in Honduras, may God:

  • bless and keep every child and young person in the project
  • provide for the program families
  • grant spiritual strength to the entire staff
  • guide and take control of every plan that we have as a project 
  • continue to care for the donors and their families
  • touch hearts to continue helping the children and young people of the Tegucigalpa municipal garbage dump get ahead and may he bring new donors
  • heal all those who are going through an illness, that each family in the project can see a healing and provider God
  • pour out his wisdom into the lives of the 2023 high school graduates (Carlos, Paola, Wilson and Marcia) to complete their high school studies in the best way
  • encourage all students to continue forward to finish in the best way as they begin their fourth and last term of the school year
  • help every father and mother to understand the level of responsibility they have to raise their children on the path of good
  • open doors and multiply all income to carry out a service that honors his name
  • provide funds to be able to carry out the spiritual camp for the older youth in October so that they can have a chance to get away and seek God in a different environment


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